21 Feb Carroll County Economic Development and Land Use Study & Survey
Westminster, MD, February 21, 2023 – The Carroll County Department of Economic Development is excited to partner with the Carroll County Department of Planning and Consultant WGI Inc. on the Carroll County Economic Development and Land Use Study. This study will evaluate the current status and longer-term potential of economic opportunities in the County. The study will help the County identify where economic opportunities may be best suited by analyzing the County’s current infrastructure, land uses, zoning patterns and economic opportunities. Data from the study will provide baseline information that will be used to draft land use and economic development recommendations for the upcoming General Development Plan (or County Comprehensive Plan) which is scheduled to begin in 2025.
WGI Inc., a national design and professional services consulting firm, is gathering background data for the study. WGI joined County staff at the first public open house, on February 16, at Exploration Commons in Westminster. Approximately 40 people attended the workshop and participated in an interactive workshop identifying where the County’s best assets are and where the County should focus on growing in the future. A second public open house will be held in April.
Please scan the QR code for more information on this project. Public participation is vital in determining how economic opportunities will be available to ensure the County has a stable revenue stream to facilitate fiscal stability while preserving our rural and cultural heritage that makes Carroll unique.
For more information about the study, including the timeframe, please visit the Department of Planning webpage, or contact the Carroll County Department of Planning at (410) 386-5145.