12 Sep Updated: Workforce Development to Temporarily Close for Renovations

Update: The CCWD building has reopened. However, to facilitate an electrical upgrade, the building will close on individual days on Friday, October 24th and Monday, October 28th.
Contact: Christine Cambareri
September 23rd – October 4th – Some Services Continue
Westminster, MD, Thursday, September 12, 2024 – The Carroll County Workforce Center, located at 224 N. Center Street in Westminster, will temporarily close for approximately two weeks, September 23 – October 4, 2024, to complete building renovations. The center is scheduled to reopen Monday, October 7, 2024 at 8am. Changes to this schedule are possible so please monitor the Carroll County Workforce Development website, social media, and outdoor electronic signage, or call the center at 410-386-2820 for more information and any updates.
Although the building will be closed, some services will continue virtually or in-person at a satellite location.
Customer services and program operations will vary depending on the activity:
- The resource center, including assessment and computer labs, job fairs, and most job assistance services will close during this time. Jobseekers can use carrollworks.com to view job postings and the workshop calendar.
- Administrative, training, and case management staff will continue with in-person and virtual options at 115 Stoner Avenue in Westminster.
- Carroll Community College Adult Education and ESOL classes will be held at the main community college campus. For these services, please call 410-386-3630.
New Customer Orientation:
Call 410-386-2820 to arrange a time for a new customer orientation and job search assistance. Staff will thoroughly explain center services and begin providing helpful resources.
For questions or to confirm any activity or appointment, please contact 410-386-2820 or email Heather Powell, Workforce Manager at info@carrollworks.com.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Carroll County Workforce Development operations and programming are supported by federal, state, and local resources. The federal funding for Program Year 2023 is $2,731,860.75. This represents 74.50% of available funds.
Carroll County Workforce Development (CCWD) is an office of the Carroll County Department of Economic Development. CCWD administers the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act in collaboration with the Carroll Workforce Development Board and is dedicated to employment, training, and workforce development. It is part of America’s Job Network and offers services Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information, please call 410-386-2820 or visit the website at www.carrollworks.com.
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