29 Aug Summer Youth Employment Program a Success for Businesses and Students

Westminster, MD, Thursday, August 29, 2024 – Carroll County Department of Economic Development and Carroll County Workforce Development (CCWD) are happy to share the success of the 2024 Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), which assigned local youth between 16-18 years of age with local businesses. This year, 37 youth were placed at 15 unique businesses around Carroll County. Students were in summer employment positions for six weeks, in a variety of jobs including recreation, retail, childcare, long-term care, technology, restaurant, office, and others.
Carroll County Government hires the youth participants, handles all the paperwork, and pays for all wages, taxes, and insurance through dedicated grant funding. Businesses receive no-cost workers to boost production and service while also investing in the future, local workforce. Businesses provide valuable work experience and mentoring to our young residents with the added benefit of sometimes hiring long term regular employees.
This summer, the program expanded by hiring two college-student interns to assist with the initiative. The number of businesses grew from eight to 15 businesses, an 87% increase, and the number of youth participants expanded from 16 to 37 participants, a 131% increase. Other benefits include improved career and school aspirations, school and job readiness skills and soft skills.
Additional takeaways:
- 6 enrichment days, which included Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) participants
- 9 business leaders presented to youth participants during 2 business panels
- 33 youth developed a resume
- 32 youth attended a job fair
- 32 youth participated in mock interviews
Participants shared the following highlights about the program:
- 18 youth believed that the mock interview session was one of the best activities offered
- 16 youth experienced virtual reality goggles to explore 35 careers
- 86% youth noted being better prepared to interview
- 86% stated they feel better prepared for their next job
Other activities focused on enrichment activities at Carroll Community College including a tour of the college and career exploration activities.
“We were excited to expand the summer youth employment program this year, benefiting both young workers and employers,” said Carroll County Workforce Development Manager Heather Powell. “A big thank you to businesses who continue to work with our program as we develop our future workforce!”
Carroll County Workforce Development works with you throughout the year, for more information, please visit the website, contact info@carrollworks.com or call 410-386-2820 and reference youth services.
Carroll County Workforce Development operations and programming are supported by federal, state and local resources. The federal funding for Program Year 2023 is $2,731,860.75. This represents 74.50% of available funds.
Carroll County Workforce Development (CCWD) is an office of the Carroll County Department of Economic Development. CCWD administers the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act in collaboration with the Carroll Workforce Development Board and is dedicated to employment, training, and workforce development. It is part of America’s Job Network and offers services Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information, please call 410-386-2820 or visit the website at www.carrollworks.com.
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Contact: Heather Powell, Manager
Carroll County Workforce Development