15 Apr Small Business Grant Expanding to Include Sole Proprietors and Home Businesses

For more information:
Contact: Chris Winebrenner
For Immediate Release
Small Business Grant Expanding to Include Sole Proprietors and Home Businesses
Westminster, MD, Tuesday, April 14, 2020 – Today, in Open Session, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to expand the Carroll County Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Relief Grant Fund by $250,000. The $250,000 is earmarked with $50,000 to assist the remaining business applicants who met the criteria before the initial funding was exhausted, and an additional $200,000 specifically targeted for a new area of business, those who are sole proprietors and home-based business. All recipients of the grant funds must be in good standing with the State of Maryland.
With the original $500,000, approved on March 31st, the total fund increases to $750,000 to offer working capital to assist 600 Carroll County small businesses with disrupted operations due to COVID-19. Grant assistance is intended to provide interim relief to businesses while complementing actions taken with their bank, business interruption insurance, financial institution, as well as federal and state partners.
The formal process for the grant for sole proprietors and home-based businesses will be established and the county and Department of Economic Development will announce more information as plans are finalized. Interested businesses should watch for information via the Department of Economic Development website at www.carrollbiz.org.
“We must do what we can for these businesses to keep their energy and enthusiasm going. I believe this is part of the backbone in our community where innovation is born. I wish we could do more, but this is at least a step in the right direction,” said Board of Commissioner Vice President Ed Rothstein.
Director of Economic Development Jack Lyburn shared, “We have received and processed for payment the maximum number of verified applications for the initial small business emergency relief funding. We are pleased that the Board of Commissioners recognizes the plight of the home-based sole proprietor and the additional $200,000 funding allocated will address some of their financial needs at this challenging time.”
Today’s Open Session is available for viewing on the county meeting portal and the county YouTube channel. In addition, all meetings will be replayed on Comcast Channel 24.
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