12 Apr Resources: Those Affected by the Key Bridge Collapse

The recent collapse of the Key Bridge is causing many ripple effects to businesses and families beyond the immediate area, including those in Carroll County. There are several websites and phone numbers available to help those impacted by the devastating incident. In an effort to share this information as much as possible, Carroll County Department of Economic Development provides this developing and changing list of resources:
Governor Wes Moore issued a press release on April 11, 2024 where he announced the launch of the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse Response Website. This site will serve as a central hub for Marylanders in search of federal, state, and local resources and programs related to the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Sections of the site include: From the Office of Governor Moore, Support for Workers, Support for Businesses, Get Help in Person, Major Traffic Updates and Additional Resources.
The State of Maryland, City of Baltimore, and other counties are gathering information and evaluating the impact of the Key Bridge collapse on the local business community. If your business has been impacted, please complete this Business Impact Survey to help provide a better understanding of the situation so the state, city, and counties can help develop solutions for your business.
The Maryland Department of Labor has an incident-related webpage and created an unemployment insurance hotline for workers affected by the collapse. Impacted workers can call 667-930-5989 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday, or file online at beacon.labor.maryland.gov/beacon/claimant-page.html.
Maryland Insurance Administration Virtual Disaster Center Virtual Assistance Webinar: April 16, 12-2 PM and 5-7 PM, for insurance related questions or issues related to losses from the Francis Scott Key Bridge disaster. Details here.
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is providing low-interest, long-term Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) to small businesses affected by the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse. Businesses can apply for up to $2 million to help overcome temporary loss of revenue resulting from the bridge collapse. The funds can be used to pay normal operating expenses such as payroll, accounts payable, fixed debts, and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disruption. Applicants may call the SBA’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 to learn more about the eligibility requirements or apply online.
The Maryland Emergency Management Agency runs the Private Sector Integration Program (PSIP). Its mission is “incorporating the private sector into the emergency management framework to provide a voice to the business community during emergencies and increase information sharing between the private and public sectors.” Businesses can sign up to participate in PSIP by visiting this webpage: https://mdem.maryland.gov/Pages/psip.aspx.
Maryland Chamber of Commerce Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse Resources and Info Hub provides some additional resources.
The Maryland Transportation Authority has set up a page on its website with information about the transportation complications and detours suggested to mitigate delays. This website can be found here: https://mdta.maryland.gov/keybridgenews
RMI of Maryland’s Board of Directors stepped up with a request to Congressional leaders to support funds to assist businesses impacted by the Port of Baltimore disruption as a result of the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. You can read the letter here.
Message issued from Maryland MEP: Maryland MEP and the entire manufacturing community stand ready to assist and we are actively working with our State and Federal partners to support the community that has been affected. If your organization has been or expects to be impacted by this event, or needs assistance, we encourage you to reach out so that we can ensure your message is heard, and that you can access the support and assistance needed to minimize the long-term impacts on your business and Maryland’s economy. Contact Maryland MEP here.
For the most up to date information on Key Bridge response and resources, visit keybridgeresponse2024.com.
Please note these links and resources are provided by organizations outside Carroll County and we do not verify the accuracy or timeliness. There will be duplication in some of the provided information. Additional information will be added if they become available.
Please contact Carroll County Economic Development if you have any questions regarding the listed resources, need additional information or assistance, by calling 410-386-2070 or emailing info@carrollbiz.org. We are available to try to help in any way possible.