01 Apr Carroll County Accepts Maryland Relief Act of 2021 and Maryland Recovery Now Grant Funding

For more information:
John T. Lyburn, Director of Economic Development
For Immediate Release
Carroll County Accepts Maryland Relief Act of 2021 and
Maryland Recovery Now Grant Funding
Westminster, MD, Thursday, April 1, 2021 – Today, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners voted to accept Maryland Relief Act of 2021 funding for Carroll County, involving four (4) new business grants from the State of Maryland including the Maryland Recovery: Nonprofits Carroll County grant. The State of Maryland Relief Act of 2021, passed in February 2021, includes more than $1 billion in tax relief and economic stimulus for struggling families and small businesses suffering because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Application information including criteria, dollar amounts, and start/close dates vary for each grant with more information posted as it becomes available. All information will be available on the Department of Economic Development’s website. Interested businesses or persons should check the site regularly for updated information and apply online from this site.
Online Sales and Telework Assistance COVID RELIEF Grant Program – $13,915.48
To support Carroll County small businesses that expanded online sales and teleworking capabilities for their employees due to the continue financial impacts from the COVID-19. Small businesses looking for technology assistance for online sales and teleworking will apply online beginning April 7th at noon. Grant priority will be given to applicants that have not received a COVID-19 Business Relief Grant or Loan from the Maryland Department of Commerce.
Lodging and Accommodations COVID RELIEF Grant Program – $278,309.66
To support Carroll County hotel, lodging and accommodation businesses facing continued financial impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the county’s small number of hotels/motels and bed and breakfasts, those establishments will be contacted directly by the Tourism Office to complete an application for the grant funding.
Maryland Recovery Now: 501(c)(3) Nonprofits – $557,247
The Maryland Recovery Now funding, through the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), makes funding available for Carroll County 501(c)(3) nonprofits to help offset the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant is open to Carroll County nonprofits with a physical location in the county. Awards are based on need and priority is given to nonprofits that did not receive Nonprofit Recovery Initiative (NORI) funding administered by the DHCD in 2020. Nonprofit applications will be accepted beginning April 12, 2021 at noon and ending on April 23, 2021 at 4pm. All applicants must be independent 501(c)(3) organizations, not under an umbrella organization.
Restaurant and Caterers COVID RELIEF Grant Program – $612,281.26
To support Carroll County restaurants facing continued financial impacts from COVID-19. More details about the grant applications for restaurants will be announced later. Please watch the Department of Economic Development website.
“We are thankful to the Governor, the Maryland legislature, and the Carroll County Board of Commissioners for providing this additional funding to help our struggling Carroll businesses and nonprofits,” said Director of Economic Development Jack Lyburn.
Interested businesses looking to apply should subscribe to the Carroll County Economic Development Department enews on the website to receive notices about application periods. All guidelines and information about the grant opportunities are located or will be added on the department website at www.carrollbiz.org.
About Carroll County Department of Economic Development
The Carroll County Department of Economic Development is a results-oriented team that creates competitive business solutions. To learn more about the programs or opportunities available in Carroll County email info@carrollbiz.org, visit https://carrollbiz.org, follow @CarrollEconDev on Twitter or call 410-386-2070.
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