11 Apr Economic Development Hosts Local Business Leader Roundtable with GBC

Westminster, MD, Thursday, April 11, 2024 – This week the Carroll County Department of Economic Development hosted a business roundtable for the Greater Baltimore Committee (GBC) to meet with local business leaders to discuss the GBC’s Ten-Year Regional Economic Opportunity Strategy plan.
County business representatives from industry sectors including manufacturing, distribution, agritourism, information technology and real estate met with county economic development, GBC representatives and a plan consultant to discuss Carroll County’s economic development, business culture, goals, planning, talent pipeline, and initiatives. Additional discussion centered on ways GBC can provide coordination among jurisdictions to support economic development.
From the GBC website: “The Greater Baltimore Committee (GBC) is the leading voice for the private sector in the Baltimore region, providing insightful economic and civic leadership to drive collective impact. Comprised of more than 400 organizations, including large, mid-size, and small companies, nonprofits, foundations, and educational and healthcare institutions, the GBC is dedicated to fostering the prosperity of the Greater Baltimore region.”
“It is always a pleasure and beneficial welcoming regional economic development partners to Carroll County to meet with some of our business leaders,” said Director of Economic Development Denise Beaver. “This was an excellent opportunity for some of our local businesses to provide feedback on the current business climate and discuss needs and opportunities as well as to learn more about GBC’s plans and strategies.”
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Contact: Denise Beaver,
Director, Economic Development