27 Nov Christmas Trees & Holiday Greens Location Guide Available Today!
‘Tis the Season!
Carroll County is excited to have nine Christmas Tree Farm locations spread throughout the county for residents and visitors to purchase holiday trees, greens and other items. Carroll County Department of Economic Development’s Carroll County Grown website hosts a local Christmas Tree Farm webpage with information about each of these locations. Carroll County Tourism also provides information on the tourism website and you can find brochures at the Visitors Center located at 500 S. Center Street in Westminster (Farm Museum location.)
The farms may offer a variety of options including cut-your-own, select a live tree to be cut for you, pre-cut, or a live tree you can plant. Many locations also have other items and fun activities to get you into the holiday spirit – check each farm for more information!
Buying Christmas trees and greens grown in Carroll County not only supports local farms but benefits the entire community as ‘dollars’ spent at local farms and businesses are more often reinvested locally, contributing to a more vibrant and healthy community environment.
Be aware that site schedules may change suddenly, and content listed on the site may change without notice. The information is not guaranteed to be complete, correct, or up to date. For up-to-date information, contact each establishment for additional questions or concerns. For the most updated information, please visit the website or social media of the farm you are interested in patronizing.
To learn more about your local farms, please visit: carrollgrown.org. For more information on the county’s agribusiness program, contact Diana Hare, Carroll County Agriculture Development Specialist, at dhare@carrollcountymd.gov or 410-386-2070.
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