18 Sep Carroll Community College is the #1 Community College in Maryland According to a National Survey
CONTACT: Trish McCarthy Carroll
Chief Communications Officer
Carroll Community College
Carroll Community College is the #1 Community College in Maryland According to a National Survey of Nearly 700 Institutions – The College ranked #21 in the United States
Westminster, Md., September 17, 2020—Carroll Community College (Carroll) announces that according to a national survey conducted by WalletHub, “2020’s Best & Worst Community Colleges,” Carroll ranked #1 in the state of Maryland and #21 overall out of 698 institutions across the United States that were evaluated.
The source data used for the analysis was collected from highly respected sources including the National Center of Education Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education. A sample of 698 institutions that are members of the American Association of Community Colleges were analyzed using 18 different factors across three key dimensions:
- Cost and Financing
- Education Outcomes
- Career Outcomes
“The entire College community is to be commended for this recognition,” said Dr. James D. Ball, president of Carroll Community College. “We have been laser focused on providing an affordable, high quality education for our students, one that will have a lasting impact on their career and serve them well into the future.”
The study noted that “students who earn their general-education credits at a community college before transferring to an in-state public four-year university can potentially save a lot of money.” For students at Carroll, that equates to $9,052, as calculated by Maryland Higher Education Commission average of University of Maryland system tuition.
Affordability has become an even greater issue in 2020, in light of the effects of the pandemic. The study notes: “Community colleges are an especially attractive option this year as many families struggle with their finances during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students who initially planned on attending a private four-year college might want to consider spending two years at a community college and transferring those credits once the economy picks up again.”
In addition to affordability, the study analyzed outcomes for students, in terms of both education and career. Carroll scored at a high level along dimensions such as first-year retention rate, graduationrate, and student-faculty ratio. New students at Carroll are assigned a dedicated academic advisor based on their program of study, providing them with a personalized learning path from the time they arrive through degree completion.
“At the College, we are committed to helping students along their path to graduation as well as transfer to four year institutions,” said Dr. Rosalie V. Mince, Provost, Carroll Community College. “Our faculty embrace their role as mentors to students, and our advising office provides one on one counseling to develop the best path for each student, taking into account their individual circumstances.”
The study also measured career outcomes. The College ranked highly in terms of median salary after attending and share of former students earning above the average earnings of a high school graduate. The Career Development Office assists students in identifying career options, resume development, interviewing skills, internship opportunities, and connections with employers throughout the county and region.
“We are committed to helping students find a career path that resonates with their passions, preferences and skills, and preparing them to adapt to the ever-changing circumstances in the job market,” said Dr. Kristie Crumley, Associate Provost, Student Affairs and Marketing.
“While we are proud of our number one ranking, this recognition will only serve to push us forward to continue to innovate, and make the College even better in the future,” said Ball.
For more information see https://wallethub.com/edu/e/best-worst-community-colleges/15076/#main-findings and https://wallethub.com/edu/e/states-with-best-worst-community-college-systems/15073/
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Carroll Community College’s mission is Empowering learners. Changing lives. Building community. Carroll Community College (Carroll) provides accessible, high-quality educational opportunities to advance careers, enrich lives, and strengthen the community we serve. Carroll offers academic and career preparation leading to transfer to four-year colleges and universities, and for direct entry into professional opportunities. Personalized learning, small class size, individualized attention from expert faculty, affordability, a convenient location, and customized training and services to the business community all make Carroll a popular choice. Since 1993, the College has served more than 136,000 students of all ages and backgrounds. Carroll Community College is located at 1601 Washington Road, Westminster, Md., 21157. Visit us on our website at www.carrollcc.edu.
Source: Carroll Community College Press Release