14 Mar Applications for the Finksburg Facade Improvement Program Begin April 1st
Contact: Chris Winebrenner
Carroll County to Begin Accepting Applications for the Finksburg Facade Improvement Program April 1st
Westminster, MD, Monday, March 14, 2022 – Carroll County is pleased to announce it will begin accepting applications for the Finksburg Facade Improvement Program (FIP) on Friday, April 1, 2022.
The Carroll County Department of Planning, in conjunction with the Finksburg Planning and Citizens’ Council, was awarded $50,000 from the State of Maryland for a Facade Improvement Program. FIP offers matching grant funds to eligible property and business owners in the Finksburg Sustainable Community to improve the appearance of building facades and signs. Goals of the program are to:
- Encourage renovation of building facades and signs
- Improve the appearance of the Finksburg Corridor
- Leverage private improvements by making revitalization efforts affordable and community based
- Preserve and enhance economic vitality of commercial services
FIP offers an incentive dollar amount of up to 50% of the total cost of building facade and sign improvements in return for the owners’ 50% or greater investment; up to a maximum match of $10,000 per application.
For more information about the program, including application deadlines, eligible applicants and improvements, and how to apply, visit FinksburgFIP.org or contact the Carroll County Department of Planning at (410) 386-5145.