08 Sep Project Restore applications opening September 8th at Noon
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is administering $25 million to provide financial support to Maryland’s new or expanding businesses to help incentivize commercial investment in vacant retail and commercial properties.
Project Restore will provide two grant opportunities for businesses that plan on opening or expanding into previously vacant spaces:
Rental Assistance Grant: The maximum grant request amount is $30,000 for rent for one year (rental payment up to $2,500 per month) for qualified small business with 50 or fewer employees (full time equivalents). Applicant’s monthly rent can exceed $2,500, but the maximum that will be paid by the Rental Assistance Grant will be $2,500 per month for one year.
Business Operations Grant: The maximum grant award amount is $250,000 for one or two years for businesses that generate sales and use tax. Grant funds can be used for activities and costs related to sustaining and growing the business such as staff costs, capital improvements, marketing, inventory and supplies, utilities and the like and cannot be used for executive salaries or bonuses. Grant awards will be paid quarterly and will be based on sales and use tax generated by and submitted to the state in Calendar Year 2022.
Visit the Project Restore website for more information.