Lunch About Nothing is back!!! Lunch About Nothing is held the 4th Monday of the month from 12-1 at Serra Restaurant & Bar on Main. It is open to all businesses, non profits and anyone who chooses to attend. There is nothing to join and...
Launch your business with confidence and on the right foot. Find out what to expect from an experienced business consultant. Topics include options for business entities, resources available to start-ups, costs of services needed, licensing and tax considerations, loans and finance resources, marketing strategies, and...
Join the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce for a networking event hosted by Carroll County Workforce Development! Learn about the host and mingle with other business owners and professionals. Develop new relationships and business contacts. Be sure to bring your name tag and lots of...
TEDCO's (Maryland Technology Development Corporation) Rural Business Innovation Initiative (RBII) is designed to enhance technology commercialization and provide technical and business assistance to small and early-stage companies in rural Maryland. RBII mentors will meet with all companies for an initial assessment. Companies qualified to receive...