The Drug and Violence Awareness Expo provides the community an opportunity to learn about the various issues plaguing the county and the resources available to combat them. The event is for all ages but targets today’s youth affected by opioid addiction, bullying, domestic violence and sexual assaults.
Be an Exhibitor – Free of Charge!
If your business or association offers a service or product relating to one of the expo’s topic, we want you there. We will give you a 10′ x 8′ booth, a 6′ table and two chairs. You may have as many booths as you like. This is a “First Come First Served” option so register as soon as possible.
Be a Sponsor – Help support this event even if you can’t be an exhibitor.
Everyone is impacted directly or indirectly by the topics above. Being a sponsor helps defray the cost of busing high school children to the event as well as marketing materials. Sponsorship levels start as low as $250. Each sponsor will receive recognition on marketing materials and our website. Higher sponsorship levels include recognition during the event and a 30 second radio ad broadcast throughout the day at the expo. Pass the word to others who may be able to sponsor as well!