17 May Grant Earmarks $200,000 for Businesses Seeking High Speed Internet
Carroll County businesses with limited access to high speed internet may now have access to a new Carroll County Government grant to improve their internet connection. Today, the Board of Commissioners approved $200,000 to assist businesses and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in gaining access to higher internet speeds. The Carroll Broadband Grant Program will help to make “last-mile” connections to meet commercial/industrial users unmet broadband needs through various service providers. The grant program will accept applications immediately.
Carroll Broadband, a county-owned fiber optic network, serves both public and private customers throughout the county. The Board of Commissioners is committed to the expansion of this valuable infrastructure asset through the Carroll Broadband Grant Program. Carroll County will lease available fiber to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or businesses directly through the Fiber Network Enterprise Fund.
Qualified business enterprises may apply given a good business standing and documented business need in an underserved or unserved area of the county. Additionally, ISP’s in good business standing with federal, state and local government authorities that plan to provide service in an unserved or underserved area in Carroll County may apply. The grantees must also have the legal authority to provide, construct, operate and maintain the proposed facilities or services. Additional information can be found on the newly developed webpage for Carroll Broadband. Interested parties are also encouraged to contact Carroll County Chief Information Officer Mark Ripper at 410-386-2053 or mripper@ccg.carr.org.
Board of Commissioner President Dennis Frazier said, “This grant program is part of the FY18 $1,000,000 investment that the Board made to develop Carroll Broadband. We are excited to implement this new economic development tool to stimulate and attract business development and expand our fiber network in the last mile.”
Carroll County Chief Information Officer Mark Ripper elaborated, “This grant program will allow the county to continue its expansion of high speed internet to businesses.”
Economic Development Director Jack Lyburn added, “With growing business technology needs and emerging international business opportunities, every business needs a competitive advantage like Carroll Broadband high speed internet access.”
Visit the Carroll Broadband website to learn more about the Carroll Broadband Grant Program and complete an application if qualified.